So I turned 20 last week, and Kelsey and I came up with the awesome idea of having a moustache themed party. I love moustaches (as you could probably tell by this post) and I love throwing themed parties, so it was kind of a no brainer.
I have noticed a growing trend of photo booths at the weddings I have attended this summer, and I think they are so fun! So we decided to make the party interesting we would make our own photo booth, along with lots of crazy props.
I invited my good friend Ashley over to help us make the props. Ashley is extremely gifted when it comes to making paper crafts, and I knew we would benefit from her expertise.
It is easy and fun to make homemade photo booth props. Start by drawing all the props onto a piece of card stock (you could also use cardboard, but we found card stock was easier to cut, and held up just fine).
We first drew them in pencil, and when we were happy with them, outlined them with marker.
Cutting the card stock was no problem. It is stiff without being too resistant.
We used cake pop sticks from Michaels, but any stick or skewer will do! I was in charge of glueing on the sticks (since my drawing skills don't quite match Kelsey or Ashley's). I made sure to position the stick first, and then glue it on.
I found the best way to glue them, was to put a dab of hot glue right on the back of the prop, and then place the stick in the glue and roll it around a bit.
Really it isn't a big deal if you mess up. You should be able to carefully peel it off and try again.
All the props turned out so wonderfully! They were funny, cute, silly, and colourful.

Among other things, there were many moustaches to choose from.
Kelsey, Ashley and I had a great time using the props!!
The photo booth made my party a success. I set up my camera on my tripod and left it there all night for people to take photos with. Let's just say at the end of the evening I had so many awesome pictures to go through. People got very creative, and I think everyone had a blast.
p.s. jordyn♥
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