weekly wrap-up: fish, friends, and moustache shoes

These are a pair of the wonderful moustache shoes that I received for my birthday from my good friend Ashley.  I figured they were perfect for my adventure to Ninja Sushi this week!

Unfortunately my summer book club was not able to continue (not) reading books in fall and winter, and we hadn't all been together for about 6 months!  But this weekend the stars aligned and we were all free on the same night.  So we decided to celebrate by stuffing our faces with delicious Japanese food.

As you can see, we are a very mature group of young adults.

This was my food, as you see, I probably ate the equivalent of an entire fish.  Though it was tuna, and I don't think I ate an entire tuna.  But I may have also "helped" other people finish their sashimi...

I have missed this group of people so much!  Things like this picture kept happening right as our waitress would walk by, so I am positive we made some kind of impression.  Some kind.

I hope that book club will be able to meet again soon, we were definitely long overdue for a night of hilarity!

p.s. ♥ jordyn


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