This is a super simple, super cute, washi tape DIY that makes me love this tape even more! Seriously, there are sooooo many cute things one can do with washi tape. & since I'm seriously in love with floral patterns, jute, and bunting in general, I had to make this simple DIY to share.
All you need for this simple DIY is some cute washi tape, jute, and scissors.
{ i n s t r u c t i o n s }
1. cut some strips of washi tape
2. cut a piece of jute for however long you want your bunting to be
3. take the peel off the washi tape, and fold it onto itself on the piece of jute
4. take your scissors and cut out little slips to give your washi tape a "banner" type of look!
p.s. ♥ clara
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