An interesting change of pace in this last dream story from The Strange World of Your Dreams #1
I just learned from Ger Appledorn and Steven Brower (after mis-attributing this story to Kirby/Meskin) that Mort Meskin was the co-creator of this comic series with Jack Kirby, and that it's Mort Meskin's art that brings this story to life!
This story breaks the usual format and tells a self-contained tale without the ever-present dream analyst Richard Temple. This poor guy is left to wander his inky dreamscape alone. I love the evocative shadows and inking in this story (Steven Brower suggests that George "Inky" Roussos was the inker).
Anyway -- to me, the panel below is the creepiest drawing in the whole story...
I just learned from Ger Appledorn and Steven Brower (after mis-attributing this story to Kirby/Meskin) that Mort Meskin was the co-creator of this comic series with Jack Kirby, and that it's Mort Meskin's art that brings this story to life!
This story breaks the usual format and tells a self-contained tale without the ever-present dream analyst Richard Temple. This poor guy is left to wander his inky dreamscape alone. I love the evocative shadows and inking in this story (Steven Brower suggests that George "Inky" Roussos was the inker).
Anyway -- to me, the panel below is the creepiest drawing in the whole story...

Here's the whole tale below. Pleasant dreams!
Click on pages to open a nightmarishly BIG comic scan
Many more nightmares to come! See you soon...
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